Monday 3 November 2014

[MUST READ] Exclusive Interview “Dreamers Radio” With Lee Min Ho Posted by waffs123

Exclusive Interview “Dreamers Radio” With Lee Min Ho
Posted by waffs123

The arrival of top Hallyu Star Lee Minho who is famous thanks to his top Dramas, Boys Over Flowers, Personal Taste and City Hunter makes a scene in Jakarta on March 23, 2013. His First visit to Indonesia was welcomed by the enthusiasm from all Minoz in this country who can not wait to attend Lee Min Ho IM3 Global Fan Meeting: First Love With Indonesia

Dreamers Radio had the opportunity to sit down together and talk directly with the actor during his visit here. The Actor of Goo Jun Pyo in Boys Over Flowers was enthusiastically answering the questions that we asked, lets listened to it! ^ ^

Dreamers Radio (DR): annyeonghaseyo Lee Minho, we are from Dreamers Radio

Lee Minho (LMH): Ah, Dreamers Radio ^ ^ Good morning!

DR: Morning, okay let’s go straight to the question. What is the meaning of fans and family for you?

LMH: Well, good question! Fans and My Family are the ones who are always by my side and supported my work and my life. Their presence are very important in my life.

DR: Is there an event or the most memorable gift from Minoz (your fans)

LMH: (laughs) Yes, of course there is. The most memorable was when I was traveling to a different country. As they greeted me at the airport, someone had pinched my bum! And that, I remember it the most

DR: On your more successful career, of all the roles you’ve played before, which one is the most memorable and you remember the most ?

LMH: Surely role as Goo jun pyo in Boys Over Flowers was memorable. Because of it I could get a lot of love from my fans. However, the most memorable one for me is when I had to play a role in City Hunter. There were so many challenges and it was hard!

DR: Hard? Why? …

LMH: Yes, it’s rather hard / difficult because I had to learn again to play good action scenes. Because I did most of the action scenes myself so there shouldn’t be any mistakes on them

DR: So, what kind of role you are looking forward to, for your next one?

LMH: I want to go back to school, I want to play as a high schooler again

DR: When you were little, what was your dream to be?

LMH: When I was little I didn’t have a dream of becoming an actor. But to be a soccer player because I love soccer. But when I was growing up, in my third year of high school to be exact, I started training to become an actor and wanted to pursue it seriously

DR: Is there any dream that you have that hasn’t turn into reality?

LMH: I guess there isn’t, but I wish to focus more on my acting career and will be able to do it well

DR: Okay let’s imagine, in about 10 years from now what do you think you will be?

LMH: 10 years from now? (Laughs) Well, I have never thought about it. But if you ask me, when I’m 37, I will still be an actor. And probably married already? Hahahaha

DR: Indonesia, in the eyes of Lee Min Ho’s …

LMH: Indonesia is a warm country. The people are also warm and friendly. I’m glad to see the houses that lined neatly here, they look warm too

DR: What do you like to do in your free time?

LMH: Lately I’ve been quite free, I like to do sports or just stay at home.Sleeping, watching dramas or movies and play games! I like to play any game, especially computer games

DR: Thank you very much for your time Lee Min Ho-ssi! ^ ^

LMH: Thank you …

Exclusive interview with Lee Min Ho came to an end with a warm smile. Apparently he’s not only handsome and talented, he is so friendly and like to smile! Hopefully Lee will come back to Jakarta again next time^^

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